Sunday, March 15, 2009

Random Fun Stuff

My last post was a little heavy, but I'm feeling more light-hearted today and wanted to post some random fun stuff! First, I went to a yoga class again this morning. I went a few weeks ago for the first time and this was my second time. It's a really good class. The place is called Blue Sky Yoga and it's on Charleston and Main St. in downtown Las Vegas. They do the classes by donation and the instructor, Cheryl, is great. I love it! I go with my friend and hair lady, Susan. We have a blast. And, I'm really proud of myself because I've never really taken a yoga class - only done yoga videos - and I'm able to mostly keep up and do everything. It's really great for clearing my mind and generally making me feel good!

My next fun thing is that I started in on It's fun - I got Jimmy to make a profile too, but I doubt he'll keep it up. :)

I'm going to Kansas City on Friday! My two best friends from UNLV are Stephanie and Faith. Stephanie comes out to Vegas about once a year and I usually see her then. I haven't seen Faith since we graduated in 2000. So, Stephanie, who lives in New York, and me are flying out to Kansas City to spend the weekend with Faith. It is going to be so much fun! I really need a little getaway. I think this will be a great way to kind of reset my frame of mind.

Things are falling into place at work - since being promoted to Department Head I've been feeling like things were totally in limbo - we were understaffed, I didn't want to overstep, and I felt generally worn out and ragged. Well, we've posted to fill our unfilled position (Teen Librarian) so I'll be able to give up some of those responsibilities once we fill the position. Also, I am settling into my new desk in the office (which still feels a little weird because that was Kenna's place - but I'm working on getting past that) and starting to think about some focus for our department. I think we're in a great spot, but there are some projects I would like to undertake. I'm feeling really positive about work right now.

We had a really fun dinner last night. Jimmy, Elizabeth, Seth, Caprice, Jasmine and I all went to Grape Street. We had a delicious dinner and fabulous conversation. We decided to form a dinner club and meet out once a month at new restaurants - we may even write a book. I think we're planning on trying a Peruvian restaurant next month - what fun!

My bangs are growing out. This is a good thing! And I think I'm going to go for a pedicure on Wednesday. :)

Well, I think I'm going to head downstairs to see what Jimmy wants for dinner tonight (leftover pizza?).