Saturday, April 25, 2009

Techno, Bach & Latin Beats

Good Morning World! I am sitting peacefully in our office this morning checking e-mail, FaceBook, etc. I'm looking at photos on flickr when Jimmy wakes up. He says to me: "You gotta check out this song I made." Jimmy has a musical instrument called a Juno G - it looks like a keyboard but it's actually a synthesizer. He can make different sounds and beats and record them with other musical things. So, he plays me his techno song - I'm not super big on techno, but it's pretty cool he can make that. Next I hear piano and ask "Hey what's that?" To which his reply is "Bach." He didn't make the Bach song, it was preloaded in his Juno. Also preloaded were the Latin beats he played next. The possibilities are endless...

Speaking of endless possibilities we've decided that Jimmy is going solo in his practice of law. He has an office and a possible client already! How exciting! He has a few things to get taken care of, but should be open for business pretty soon. So, if you know anyone who needs a lawyer, send them our way! :)

And, my big 30th birthday is tomorrow. After much drama that doesn't need to be gotten into here, my original birthday plans are off - but new ones have been made. Tonight we are spending time with all my family - Ashley, Kelly and of course Layla are in town. We were going to barbecue, but the wind has been out in gale forces, so I think we'll be having some sort of indoor dinner instead! Tomorrow morning Jimmy is taking me out for brunch. And we'll have the traditional spaghetti birthday dinner with Jimmy's family. I'm just happy to be celebrating with those who want to celebrate with me! Also, I think Jimmy got me a birthday surprise! We usually shop together for birthday presents so we get what we want. This year there isn't really anything that I want, so I think we're going to book a room on the strip for a night or two and get massages and have a little "staycation" as they're calling them these days! However, he did say he wanted to have something for me on my birthday - I imposed a price limit though - and I'm excited to see what he comes up with on his own! :)

Well, I guess I am signing off (to sounds of chimes - compliments of Jimmy and his Juno)!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Promise (AGAIN) to be a Better Blogger

Wow! Where does the time go? How do I go so long without posting when I have every intention to do so? Ah, well...such is life.

I went to Kansas City and visited Stephanie and Faith last month. We had a great time. I love those girls and it's like no time has ever passed when we get together. :) Here we are at a wine-tasting event. We mostly just spent time together doing what we do best - talking - we were communication majors after all!

Now we're in April. Jimmy had his birthday a week and a half ago - 31. My big 3-0 is coming up next weekend. I remember thinking I had life all figured out when I was younger. By 30 I was sure to have started a family, worked in a high-power corporate environment and be ready to settle into life at home as a mother. How funny that seems now. :) I am proud of where I am and what I have done - and I wouldn't change a thing. I love my job and want to work for at least another year, maybe two before giving it up for a family. I love Jimmy and feel so lucky to have such a wonderful and fulfilling marriage - I don't feel like I have to add anything to it at this point - it's great as is! So, all in all, I'm really happy in my life right now.

Jimmy quit his job a couple of weeks ago. The stress at his firm was crazy and it was having ill effects on everything - his health and mental state, our relationship, you name it! So, he quit. He's not working right now, but is seriously considering opening his own firm. When we first started talking about it, it made me pretty nervous - but now I'm really excited. I'm excited at the possibilities and the freedom. I think it will be a great move and now is the time to give it a try.

In closing - I promise to try to be a better blogger. Even if I just do short posts when I have nothing to say. Here's to blogging!