Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Journey Ahead

As we wrap up the year - 2009 - I look back with sadness, delight, love and yearning on the year we had. Rather than recap it (there were some tough moments, some eye-opening moments, and some really critical moments that have advanced my life's momentum) I'd like to look forward to next year - 2010 - and what it might hold.

May 2010 be a year of living in the moment. I'd like to spend the year seeking out the enjoyment of the here and now - not looking too far into the future, nor lingering too far in the past, but really experiencing life as I live it. (Maybe 2010 will be the year of my tattoo?)

Let a focus of 2010 be on relationships. I love my husband, my family and my friends, but I find that in the hustle and bustle of the day to day activities in life I let some relationships fall through the cracks. I want to be the friend and family member that others know they can call on for help. I want to be the wife that gives her husband the best part of her day, not what's left of her day. I want to be a pillar of support in the relationships in my life.

Allow for good health in 2010. I think I've been blessed and healthy throughout my life. This year I'd like to get back into better shape, eat well, exercise, you know the "resolution" drill. But I want to do it with a focus on feeling good.

Opportunities in 2010 for personal development and fulfillment. Spiritually, I'd like to continue on the journey I began this year. I feel excited to have started attending church again, I'm reading my bible, and participating in a small group through church. I'd also like to continue to develop my personal/professional leadership and networking through the Leadership Henderson program that I am currently participating in. Finally, I would also like to read a little more and write a little more.

I am a big believer in making the most of a situation and being masters (or mistresses) over one's own fate. That being said - 2010 looks like it's going to shape up to be a fabulous year! Happy New Year!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas

I just want to wish a Merry Christmas to everyone!

I so love this time of year and am looking forward to all of the final preparations and family togetherness over the next few days. I have the day off tomorrow, so I will be picking up a final gift or two, and some extra fun stuff for wrapping. I also hope to get all of my wrapping finished up tomorrow because the days are getting busy!

Our line up for the next couple of days is pretty busy - but definitely lots of fun! Tomorrow evening Jimmy and I will be having dinner with our friends John and Christina. They're in town for Christmas, so we're really looking forward to seeing them. Wednesday evening we are attending Christmas services at Central Christian Church. We're excited to be taking my mom, and possibly my dad, along with us. Since we've been going to church regularly lately it makes Christmastime even more special. Then Thursday is Christmas Eve! We have dinner at my older sister Corey's house with all our family, then we head over to Jimmy's mom & dad's house to eat and open presents with them. Christmas Day we mosey over to my parent's house for breakfast and gifts - my mom told me they strategically stuck all of our presents in the back of their tree this year since we're always the last ones to show up! I'm sure we'll be spending some time at Jimmy's parent's house on Christmas too.

As all the hustle and bustle builds over these few days leading up to Christmas, I can't help but think of some of my favorite Christmas traditions from growing up. I remember driving around at night, looking at Christmas lights (I actually just did this weekend before last with my parents again!), doing our countdown calendars (and always putting the old maid on Mom's birthday), sneaking peeks at the presents - under the tree and hiding away under my mom & dad's bed too, and that feeling that I was never going to fall asleep on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning couldn't get here fast enough!

What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions?