Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Perception of Riches

“If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches.” — Rilke

I came across this quote yesterday as I was contemplating that I have nothing to write about on my blog – obviously I need to “poet-up” and call forth the riches in my life. There is plenty of beauty in day to day life that we chose to overlook, ignore even. When I open my eyes and mind to it, I can find plenty of things that deserve commenting on. For today:

*Sleeping in until 6:25am – It was actually delicious

*The dull ache of yesterday’s great workout (Jillian Michaels kicks my butt!) – Nothing makes you more self-aware than those post-workout muscle aches

*Fresh pineapple for breakfast – It’s always been one of my favorites, the juice dribbling down my arm while I’m deciding if that bite was more sweet or more tart

*Sharing said pineapple with Yogi the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

*Storytime with the babies – it was my last one for a couple of weeks – I love the carefree excitement that consumes the little ones!

*Being able to go home on my lunch break – How wonderful is it to be able to take a few minutes at home to really relax in the middle of the day (and eat a home-cooked meal – leftovers count!)?

*Giant rain drops – Even if for only a few minutes – the rain is so cleansing and invigorating!

*Helping high school students with research – What makes a successful college student? These kids are on their way – filled with so much promise and so much still lies ahead for them!

I feel blessed to have so much richness in my life – sometimes I just have to remind myself to take a moment to reflect on and enjoy it!

One thing I can’t fail to mention is the richness that comes from my family and friends. I could be dirt poor, but having the love and support of my family and friends is all I need. They’re the best!

What riches do you call forth in your daily life?