Thursday, February 17, 2011

30 Days of Blogging - The Beginning

Good Afternoon! So I'm taking this idea from my sister, and committing to the 30 Days of Blogging! Let me forewarn you - while this is an effort to post more often, I will admit up front that my 30 Days will not be a consecutive 30 days! I can't possibly blog everyday - and I don't want to set myself up for disappointment, so I promise to complete all 30 Days in a somewhat timely manner! :)

So, without further ado, we'll begin with Day 1 - List 15 Things About Yourself

1. I have a wonderful husband who I've been with for almost 13 years -wow! We dated for three years, were engaged for two and have been married for seven and a half years. We have a wonderful marriage - I'll admit it isn't always easy, but it is always worth it. Jimmy is my rock - he keeps me balanced.

2. I have an almost-five-pound chihuahua named Hannah (though we call her Hannah Banana more than anything else). We butt heads terribly, but I love her nonetheless.

3. I love to cook.

4. Me and five wonderful others (Mae, Joan, Shannon, Bryan, & Michelle) broke a Guinness World Record for longest continuous reading aloud by a team. We read for 100 hours 33 minutes - it was great!

5. I danced with the Nevada Ballet Theater in The Nutcracker when I was seven. I was a gingersnap!

6. My family is the most important thing to me. I am lucky to have the most wonderful of families - both my blood family and my in-laws. They are all so supportive and I love to call them mine!

7. I am a Christian - I accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour and I know without His sacrifice I would not be who I am/where I am today.

8. I really enjoy photography. After I complete my 30 Days I might start a 365 Photo Project here. :)

9. I love to eat out - I love trying new places and new foods - as well as returning back to the favorite restaurants with their tried and true dishes.

10. I love word puzzles - crosswords, word searches, Text Twist, etc.

11. I can pick a lock.

12. I'm the middle child - I think your role in your family does affect who you are - I am forever the peace-maker. :)

13. I easily become hooked on awful reality shows - knowing this about myself I try not to let myself watch even one episode - that's all it takes!

14. I hate crowds - they stress me out. And, the more people there are in any given place, the greater the chance some of them are just going to be rude.

15. I wish on stars and birthday candles.

So there you have it - 15 Things About Me. Stay tuned for more to come! :)

(This list was adapted from a FaceBook note about myself.)

Monday, February 7, 2011


I saw this post on Twitter about a month ago and I favorited it - I keep looking at it and thinking about it - here's what it says:

Here is a good question to ponder: What is in your life today that is not in line with what you want tomorrow? - Dr. Henry Cloud

If I'm honest, it's a hard question to answer. So, I keep thinking about it, pondering it, but haven't gotten up the nerve to actually answer it yet. It is a call for action - and change is hard.