Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekend Highlights

We celebrated the Fourth of July in Brian Head this past weekend! We had such a good time! Jimmy and I slept in a little on Friday (7/4) then got up and packed our bags in preparation for our weekend excursion. We packed up Hannah's stuff and dropped her off at Jimmy's mom and dad's house to spend the night. We then made a drive-through stop at McDonald's (if you haven't had their iced hazelnut coffee you must make a trip to get one!) and headed out of town. The drive out was pretty uneventful except for our stop in Cedar City, UT to pick up a watermelon for the barbecue. We stopped at Lin's (or maybe it was Lind's). The parking lot was crazy - everyone stocking up for their July 4th barbecues, I suppose. So, finally Jimmy maneuvers us into parking spot and we get out of the car. Well, this spot was next to a van (on Jimmy's side), so as he gets out a young boy in the van next to us says "Excuse me..." so Jimmy turns toward the van, the boy then tries to sell us some tamales. Weird! After picking the perfect watermelon (and a Snickers bar for Jimmy) we were back on the road.

The drive from Cedar City into Brian Head is fairly short and very scenic. When we arrive we head straight to the Cedar Breaks Lodge which is where my parents were staying. After hanging out there for a while and trying to teach Saydi (age 7) and Heidi (age 4) how to play pool in their game room we head to my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Rance's cabin for our barbecue. My Uncle Wilford, Aunt Penny, and cousins Ken & Lisa joined us for the barbecue as well. The food was fantastic and the cabin is beautiful! Here's a view from their deck...

It really is in the middle of the forest...gorgeous. So, we enjoyed our barbecue, then most everyone headed out the field to watch the fireworks, but Jimmy and I stayed at the cabin with Mom, Dad, Ashley, Kelly, Uncle Rance and Aunt Kathy to watch the fireworks there. We had a great view!

Here are some more photos:
Jimmy & I with Mom & Dad
Fireworks from the cabin's deck
Jimmy & I with Uncle Rance & Aunt Kathy

We ended up staying at the cabin with my aunt & uncle - and woke up the next morning to a delicious breakfast. Ashley, Aunt Kathy and I took a walk down to the crafts fair later in the morning - I bought the cutest turtle for my garden! Then Jimmy and I headed back to Vegas! Hannah was glad to see us and we still had a lot of the weekend to get things done to be ready to head back to work on Monday!


CB said...

Yay for the 4th in Brian Head. We are so glad that all of you came this year. Maybe next year we can do it again! :)

Amber said...

I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ashley said...

We had fun in Brian Head, it seems like forever since we've seen family! The store in Cedar was Lin's.