Monday, August 25, 2008

Smorgasbord (Now isn't that a fun word!)

So, it has been forever since I've posted and I've had posts I wanted to post, but I never got around to posting them, so welcome to Marcie's Smorgasbord today! :) I think I'll work from oldest to newest information...

Daughtry Concert

This was the second year that Elizabeth and I saw Daughtry. We both love him and his music, so it seems it's becoming an annual event for us! He performs outdoors at the Red Rock in their Backyard (which is actually their pool). It's really fun, you can sit with your feet in the pool while you wait for the's our feet.

I actually did the Henna tattoo on Elizabeth's foot - pretty good huh? That's another thing to post about another time - I love Henna!! I have been doing tattoos on myself, friends and coworkers every since I did a teen program at the library with it the end of July. It's so cool.

Well, since you've seen our feet, here's our faces - see how happy we are to be seeing Chris again!?

That's my new hair too! I got it done the day of the concert - really dark with blond streaks! I love it!! This concert was also Elizabeth's introduction to the FatBurger Turkey Burger - she's hooked (as I have been for a while)! We had a really great time and I hope he's back next year!

Next item of business - Jimmy and I have been getting ready for our big trip to South Korea and we're just about there! We leave one week from today - I can't wait. I'll blog all about it when I get back. In preparation we've bought luggage, gifts for family, and essential items (including new jeans & pjs for Jimmy). We've been planning this trip for so long I can't believe it's finally here!

So, today is the first day of school - the library was really busy with the middle school kids (around 2:30pm), but we didn't get the rush after the elementary school let out, which could have been because of our crazy rain storm! It rained so hard. We have a huge leak in our library, which has leaked the last two times it's rained as well, but it still hasn't been fixed. We collected most of the water in a huge Tupperware bin - you know the ones. It stands about knee-high to me and is probably two and half feet long or so. Well, within about 20 minutes or so it had about 10 inches of water in it - crazy - that's not a leak, it's a hole in the roof!! Our director and assistant director will be here in the morning for a meeting, so I am leaving everything overnight - hopefully they'll get the severity of the problem when they see it tomorrow!

Well, that's about all I have. I probably won't post again until I return from my trip so check back in a couple of weeks!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I Thought Dead Fish Float to the Top

A few days ago during a craving for ice cream, Jimmy stopped at the convenience store up the street and bought a pint of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food ice cream. I love Phish Food - it's chocolate ice cream with marshmallow creme, caramel and fudge fish - in other words, it's heaven. Well this particular pint that he brings home is a little weird - it's kind of more icey than creamy. Does that make sense? I don't know how else to explain it, but that what it was, also there were no fudge fish. At one point I decided that the ice cream had probably thawed out and been refrozen, accounting for the weird texture and that would mean the fish probably all sank to the bottom and refroze there. I got to the bottom this morning, the fish were all there. Too many to eat! They are good when you get one in a bite, but when you get three or four in a bite, it's a little too much to handle! Now I'm wondering just how unfrozen this ice cream got and if it's okay that I ate it! What's your favorite Ben & Jerry's flavor?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


The White Girls

So, I'm a little behind the game - it's been quite some time since my last post and I've been reading my sisters' blogs and came across a little thing on each of theirs...basically, they posted about memories and asked their friends and family to post comments that include a favorite memory with them. After posting a comment on their blog, you should put the message on your own blog so others can leave memories for you. Does that make sense? Well, it was really cute, but I was late on the draw and couldn't think of just one memory of each of them to include in their blogs, so since they're the ones who read my blog I thought I'd post some memories for them here!

Playing Restaurant - Now you have to imagine this - we were a little old (well, my mom, Corey and I were) to be playing pretend, but my mom is a wonderful individual and I believe her involvement in our lives let us be children when we were children and thrive and grow and create (I love you Mom!), so when I was in middle school we were playing restaurant during lunch over summer break. I'm not sure if I've got this all right, but Mom was the cook (my favorite lunches were Top Ramen or Chicken Chow Mein - in the can) and Ashley was the superstar - I think she would pretend to talk to Patrick Swayze on her cell phone! I can't remember Corey and I's jobs, but I know there was a food critic and we were always calling security! We sat around the table and took on our roles. It was fun, it was carefree and it let us use our imagination.

Rummy - In the Middle of the Night - Play to 10,000 (or so!) - My dad took fishing trips with my Uncle Ray one summer. They would go overnight and do their thing, so Mom, Corey, Ashley and I would do our thing. We took up playing Rummy. We would play into the wee hours of the night and rack up scores like no one's business. Sometimes we would play normally, but usually we ended up playing in teams - Mom and Ashley vs. Corey and me. But, we'd deal out 14 cards per team so we had hands like crazy - it was so much fun! Sometimes we'd play where you had to pick up all the cards on top of the card you needed from the discard pile and sometimes we'd play where you had to pick up the whole pile if you wanted to use something from it. Sometimes we'd make a number wild, sometimes a whole suit was wild. Get the White Girls together, staying up late into the night, and you have some pretty punch drunk girls on your hands!

Making the Video - For some reason all these memories seem to be from the same summer, but I can't really remember if they were. We spent one summer anticipating a visit from our cousin Stacey from Texas. We just didn't know what to do with ourselves, so we made a video for her - taping segments each day expressing our excitement and providing our brand of entertainment - it was great! If you haven't seen the video, just ask, Mom has it and will show it! It's much more funny to us since we spent so much time and effort (again, thanks Mom for encouraging our creativity) on this project, but anyone who sees it gets a good laugh out of it!

As we all grew up I watched my sisters turn into wonderful women! I am so thankful for the childhood that we spent together and for the influence they and my Mom have had in my life! Here's to memories!