Thursday, December 11, 2008

I've Been a Bad Blogger

I don't know what else to say, but I've been a bad blogger lately! I've done some fun things...complete with pictures and all, but I haven't blogged about any of them! So, I'll back-track to fill you in on what I've been doing and I'll make a December Resolution to be a better blogger!

Pumpkin Carving - In late October we participated in my family's annual pumpkin carving contest. I'm still not sure why we call it a contest, since no one wins or loses, but that's what we've always called and it, and that's what we'll keep calling it. Here are some photos:

This one is Corey and Jarvus's. It's the grim reaper.

Here's Ashley and Kelly's. They did Frankenstein after much deliberation this year. They always come prepared, but they were the last ones to start this year because they just couldn't decide what to do!

This one is Mom and Dad's. Dad kind of took over though and drew and carved all by himself - with an electric knife no less! It's a fire man!

This one is mine and Jimmy's. It's Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas!

But wait, there's more. It wouldn't be Halloween with the White's if we didn't have some of these photos to show for it!

Ashley "eating" pumpkin guts. We weren't positive if we'd get this photo this year since she's pregnant - it would have been a good excuse if she didn't want to do it!

Corey and Jarvus being goofy...that's a natural state of being for Corey, but it's fun to get Jarvus that way too. Sometimes we get pictures of him with pumpkin tops on his head, but we settled for fake eating pumpkin guts this year!

Pink Wig Picnic
On Halloween day a group of friends met at Cinnamon Ridge Park for our Pink Wig Picnic. We had lunch and played wiffle ball, we blew bubbles and sat and talked...but most importantly, we showed our love and support for Kenna. Kenna was diagnosed with cancer in July and has been undergoing chemotherapy since probably July or August. As a result, she has lost her hair. Kenna has some beautiful wigs - she puts them on and you can't even tell that it's not her real hair, but she wanted to have some fun with wigs too. So we all got pink wigs - being Halloween time, they were easy to find. We donned these wigs and enjoyed each other's company for our Pink Wig Picnic!

This one is Elizabeth, me, Jen & Kenna.

Here's Kenna and me. Kenna is such a wonderful person and I have really struggled with the battle she's been fighting. Everything came on so quickly and I feel like there hasn't been time to process it all. I just want to scream out that it isn't fair and she is such a patient and wonderful individual who is looking this fight in the eye and taking it on so gracefully. It's impossible to put yourself in her situation, but I think I would hide under my covers and be miserable, but Kenna has been out and doing the things she wants to do.

Kenna was the Youth Services Department Head at my library (so not only is she a fantastic friend, but she was also my inspirational boss), but due to her illness she is not able to return to work full-time. She was coming in for a couple of hours a day in October, but she's been having a bad go again and hasn't been in lately. Because she can't be there at work, she was not able to keep the department head position. When the position was posted, Kenna encouraged me to apply for it, but it was a difficult choice. I was selected to fill the position and while part of me struggles with it because she was such a breath of fresh air in our department and made so many wonderful changes that make me think of the department as hers - I hope to continue to move the department forward and make her proud.

Ashley's Baby Shower
My baby sister Ashley is pregnant and due with her first child in February. She and her husband, Kelly, are expecting a perfect little baby girl, Layla Mei. My mom, Corey and I hosted a Baby Shower for her in Henderson in mid-November. Mostly I just took pictures of her opening gifts, but here's a cute one with the cake:

From this picture you can't even tell she's pregnant! She does have quite the little belly growing though - I love to sit with my hand on it and feel Layla move around in there! The weekend after we had her shower here, her friends in St. George (where she lives) hosted a shower for her there. We attended that one too. She got some great gifts and I think is still in the process of getting her nursery ready! Congrats Ashley & Kelly - I can't wait to meet Layla!

I can't believe I didn't take any pictures on Thanksgiving! Yikes! We had a wonderful one though - we ate way too much and spent the time with our families - what could be better? We started at my parent's house around 1pm. It was a little weird because Corey and her family celebrated with Jarvus's family in Salt Lake this year - so there were no little girls running around under foot! Mom made a delicious meal, as usual. And we ate and ate and ate. We headed over to Jimmy's parent's house afterwards (around 4pm or so) to do it all over again. Sun also did not disappoint with her Thanksgiving meal. All the food was delicious. I love the fact that we have both our families right here so that we can spend the holidays, and just any old time, with them!

Mom's Birthday
Again - no pictures! Yesterday was Mom's birthday so we went out to dinner with Mom and Dad on Tuesday night. We ate at Remedy's which is a new little restaurant/bar just up the street from our house. We had good food and good fun! Happy Birthday Mom!

I think that encompasses most things that have been going on. I am going to try to promise to be better at my blogging hopefully there will posts soon with all the upcoming holiday parties and get togethers!

1 comment:

CB said...

oooh oooh oooh a new post! I enjoyed this one! Don't wait so long to do another one! :)