Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Post Just To Post

So, I don't really feel like I have anything to blog about, but I'm trying to be a good blogger, so I'm posting. But, I'm also forewarning - this might be a boring one so if you have something better to do - go ahead, I won't be offended!

My house is all put back together - well, mostly. The pipes are done, the holes are patched, and the walls are painted - and I'm working on getting things back in cupboards, cabinets, etc. This little project did assist in the streamlining and simplifying though - I am the Queen of Tupperware Storage Bins at this point in time. I'm hoping eventually I'll get rid of enough stuff so that I won't have anything to put in my bins! :) Also, I did take some pictures of the holes and new pipes, but I've been too busy/lazy (I'm not sure which one) to get them onto the computer thus far.

We went to a couple of Superbowl parties this past weekend. The first one was at Jimmy's old fraternity advisor's house, Jeff. He had celebrities there - Carrot Top, Louie Anderson, and possibly others! :) We left that one early though - it was packed and we stood through the first quarter of the game and part of the second. Then we headed to my mom and dad's house for the rest of the game. My mom was stoked - she's a big Steelers fan so the game went nicely for her. Jimmy, Corey, Mom, Saydi, Heidi, Abbey and I spent a good portion of time singing our hearts out in the Florida room though. I love building memories with my nieces - I hope they look back on them someday and remember they are loved and they had good childhoods. I feel so blessed to have come from such a great family and I hope they feel that way someday too!

Other than that it's pretty much been the same old, same old for me. Work has been busy for both me and Jimmy. We wanted to go skiing over President's Day weekend, but now it's practically upon us and we haven't made any plans...we might be out of luck on that this time!

Until next time...

1 comment:

CB said...

I, too, hope the girls look back on their childhoods with the same fondness we look back on our own and all the wonderful memories we made together. The jam session was a blast!