Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I want to send a big Happy Mother's Day out to all moms, but special ones to those mothers in my life.

To my Grandma - Happy Mother's Day and thank you for everything. I have such special memories of having fun at your house. We could always show up for milk with a little bit of tea or a round of The Twelve Days of Christmas - all we had to do was walk across the street. You had plenty of aprons and shoes for dress up - though my sisters and I always coveted the hot pink heels. When I was little I just thought you were a fun grandma who loved her family very much - as I grew up and learned more about your life, I realized how strong you are and how much you sacrificed for your children - for many years of your life, you truly lived for them. Thank you for being such a good example.

To My Sisters - Watching the two of you as mothers has been delightful. You are so similar and so different - and I am learning a lot from both of you. Corey - You've been a mom for almost eight years now! It is so evident that you love your girls and wouldn't trade motherhood for anything - however, it's also nice to see that it's okay to get frustrated and want to give them up for a day! I see your love for those girls and how you're the hub of your family - it really suits you. I'm proud of you and the choices that you make in raising your family. Ashley - a brand new mama - Happy First Mother's Day to you! What an exciting time in your life - your excitement and awe over Layla is present in all you do - seeing that in you makes me excited to be a mom one day too. I think you have grown up so much in the past couple of years and you're a great mom! You and Kelly have been put through a lot, but you lean on each other for strength and support - and I think that's key in raising a family. I'm proud of you too!

To My Mother In Law, Sun - Thank you for accepting me into your family and sharing your son with me. I feel so lucky to have in-laws that are so supportive and who genuinely want me to be a part of their family. I am also glad for the example you and Al set for Jimmy - we are lucky to both come from families where a marriage is something that lasts - even if there are trying times that need to be worked through. Happy Mother's Day!

To My Mom - Of course a special Happy Mother's Day to you! You have been there for me since forever, and I am grateful for all of the love and support I have received from you. I am blessed to have a mom as wonderful as you to learn from. As kids, me and my sisters got to be kids. We never had to worry about anything - you made sure our lives were fun - from making the video for Stacy, to playing "Restaurant" at lunch, to rummy games into the middle of the night. You made sure we were happy and when something did go wrong you fixed it. And, even as you were playing pretend with us, you were also making meals, washing dishes, doing laundry and sometimes working. But we could feel that we were a priority - it's easy to see now that the things you did were always for us and our family. As I grew up I see your devotion to your family. I also see how lucky I am to have you for a mom. So much of who I am today I credit to you. I know I can still turn to you with whatever problems I have - and even though it's not as easy to make them just go away - it makes dealing with them much easier knowing I have you in my corner. Thank you so much for giving me the support all through my life to grow up and be me! I love you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Every time I think to myself, "Hmm...I really should do a new blog entry" my mind goes really blank. Then I think to myself, "Hmm...I don't really have anything to say." So, I usually think about coming back to the blog at a time when I have something to say. So, in an effort to continue posting regularly, I think I need to write whether or not I have something to say! :)

I remember when I was in high school I kept a journal like nobody's business. I wrote in it all the time, my most private thoughts. With a blog, it's a little more public (not that there are secret crushes and awful teachers to write about now), so I feel inclined to censor myself - mostly out of a desire to not bore my four followers (thanks, guys!). So, I apologize in advance about the fact that this blog is really about nothing.

I do enjoy writing though - and I want to do more of it. My blog is a good place to do it, but I think I need some direction. Maybe I should start looking for some "prompts" and write from there? Hmm...that's a thought!

In other news - Jimmy has filed his S-Corp papers for his business and is in the process of filing for his state and county business licenses. He ordered his computer (which I think will arrive sometime next week) and his furniture - desk, his chair, and two guest/client chairs (which I think might arrive week after next). So things are moving along quite nicely there. He's also lining up some clients and doing some networking. Exciting stuff!

We have a wedding to go to next weekend. John, who was the best man at our wedding, is marrying his fiancee, Christina. Jimmy is his best man. He has bachelor party duties this weekend and is looking forward to meeting up with some old friends he hasn't seen in a while. I am looking forward to the wedding - I love weddings. I haven't decided what to wear yet though!

We've attended church a couple times in the past month. We've gone to The Crossing - which is a non-denominational Christian church. It's clear on the other side of town (Windmill and Buffalo), but we really like it there. It's so different from any church I've ever been to, but it's really refreshing and contemporary.

Well, I think I've reached the end of what I have to say for today. Hopefully my next post will be a little more exciting! Thanks for enduring! :)