Sunday, June 21, 2009

Some Thoughts About My Dad

I've always been a Daddy's Girl. From as long as I can remember, I looked at my dad with love and awe. I turned to him when I had a problem, I listened to his anecdotes, and I knew he was the greatest man in the whole world. He went to work everyday to support his family and take care of his wife and daughters. When I was young my dad was not a man of many words, but I always knew he loved me and my sisters...even if he had funny ways of showing it. I remember many a morning that Dad would be on a kick, chasing us around and tickling us until we laughed so hard we couldn't breathe! Even though it seemed annoying at the time, I know now that that was a way for my dad to show his affection. As he's gotten older, he's gotten better about saying things that are on his mind and in his heart, but he's still great at showing his family how much he loves them. He's the first one to volunteer to help fix a car, or move a family, or build a house. If something needs to be done, my dad is right there to help us out - no matter how big or small the project is. Through his actions it is evident there is nothing he wouldn't do for his family. I'm thankful to have such a great dad. Happy Father's Day! I love you, Daddy!

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