Monday, August 31, 2009

Who Am I?

I am wife who would do anything for my husband. I would carry the burdens of a country to lighten his load in the slightest. I would take his stresses, fears and sleeplessness onto myself, to make it easier for him. I love him with my whole heart and he fills that heart up with his love for me. He rejuvenates me when I’m on empty.

I am a daughter who still does what she can to make her parents proud. I continue to try to excel at what I do so that my parents can look at me with pride and love. When I look at them I see the values and morals they instilled in me and am proud to call them my parents.

I am a sister who wants a good laugh or a good cry, in turn. I can offer up my shoulder to the girls who share my blood whenever they need and know where I can find a shoulder whenever I’m in need.

I am a friend who loves sharing in good food and good conversation. I can be guarded but the best of friends know that I would do anything for them, expecting nothing in return.

I am a librarian who holds one love above a good book: being able to share that good book with others. I am passionate about doing what I can to contribute to a literate community and am grateful for the opportunity to share my talents with others.

I am an auntie who loves her girls. I will have children of my own some day, but until then I will cuddle, read, play, and laugh with my nieces - then send them on their ways.

I am me - still in the works. I have a lot I still want to become, but I am who I am and I am comfortable in my skin.


McKinna said...

beautiful! and such a gorgeous picture of u!!

CB said...

I think it is a great pic of you too. I may have to steal this blog idea. Cool Marcie. :)

Patti said...

Once again Marcie you brought me to tears reading your blog. I ma so very proud of you!! I love you. Mom