Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Journey Ahead

As we wrap up the year - 2009 - I look back with sadness, delight, love and yearning on the year we had. Rather than recap it (there were some tough moments, some eye-opening moments, and some really critical moments that have advanced my life's momentum) I'd like to look forward to next year - 2010 - and what it might hold.

May 2010 be a year of living in the moment. I'd like to spend the year seeking out the enjoyment of the here and now - not looking too far into the future, nor lingering too far in the past, but really experiencing life as I live it. (Maybe 2010 will be the year of my tattoo?)

Let a focus of 2010 be on relationships. I love my husband, my family and my friends, but I find that in the hustle and bustle of the day to day activities in life I let some relationships fall through the cracks. I want to be the friend and family member that others know they can call on for help. I want to be the wife that gives her husband the best part of her day, not what's left of her day. I want to be a pillar of support in the relationships in my life.

Allow for good health in 2010. I think I've been blessed and healthy throughout my life. This year I'd like to get back into better shape, eat well, exercise, you know the "resolution" drill. But I want to do it with a focus on feeling good.

Opportunities in 2010 for personal development and fulfillment. Spiritually, I'd like to continue on the journey I began this year. I feel excited to have started attending church again, I'm reading my bible, and participating in a small group through church. I'd also like to continue to develop my personal/professional leadership and networking through the Leadership Henderson program that I am currently participating in. Finally, I would also like to read a little more and write a little more.

I am a big believer in making the most of a situation and being masters (or mistresses) over one's own fate. That being said - 2010 looks like it's going to shape up to be a fabulous year! Happy New Year!


CB said...

Here, here!! Or is it hear, hear??

Roxanne said...

I love your blog! What a wonderful way to welcome in 2010. I look forward to reading more!

Anonymous said...

I love you.