Thursday, March 4, 2010

Favorite Things

So, I wanted to share of my (recent) favorite things with you - it's You input text (I copy and pasted) and it creates a word cloud for you! I love it! Here's an example of what I'm talking about - I copy and pasted the text from my Waiting... post and here's what I got:

You can check mine out here. And create your own! Please note - when you publish yours, it will remain available for anyone to see, so if you don't want it online, don't publish it! :) It's lots of fun to play around with - make sure you try to randomize the word cloud too - it gives all different layouts, texts and colors. It's great fun! Be creative and enjoy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Timely Poem

So this afternoon I am looking through a book of poetry by Shel Silverstein, Falling Up, for an upcoming school visit. Here's the poem that struck a chord with me...

Writer Waiting

Oh this shiny new computer -
There just isn't nothin' cuter.
It knows everything the world ever knew.
And with this great computer
I don't need no writin' tutor,
'Cause there ain't a single thing that it can't do.
It can sort and it can spell,
It can punctuate as well.
It can find and file and underline and type.
It can edit and select,
It can copy and correct,
So I'll have a whole book written by tonight
(Just as soon as it can think of what to write).

From Falling Up by Shel Silverstein, 1996.

Have a happy Tuesday! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010


Today I long to write - as I've been longing for weeks now. I come to my blog with so much to say, but no words to express my thoughts and feelings - or with an empty head and nothing to be expressed. So I read the blogs I follow and wait for inspiration, wait for words, wait for the stories to tell themselves. But so far inspiration eludes me, the words are just out of my grasp, and the stories remain untold. So, for now, I will continue to wait...