Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog Post #2 (of 30)

A Picture of Myself and a Description of How My Day Was

I put this post off for awhile because I really wanted a current picture of myself for it. This picture is really current - as in I took it about an hour ago (more on that to come in my description of my day).

I am off from work this week, so my days have been pretty atypical this week. This morning I woke up relatively early, had a cup of coffee while watching the morning news, and I waited for my sweet little nephew, Calvin, to come spend the morning with me. Ashley dropped him off at about 7:30am. His big sister Layla was going for an MRI (prayers appreciated) for some eye pain she's been having. That meant Auntie Marcie got to play babysitter. He is a real sweetheart and was great. Corey and Abbey came over this morning to hang out with Calvin too. They brought maple bars and Cherry Cokes - which are two of my favorites! :) We had a fun little morning. Kelly came to pick Calvin up around noon.

Next I ate some lunch (Tomato Basil Bisque and French Bread) and watched Monday and Tuesday's episodes of my soap opera - All My Children (one of my guilty pleasures). Then I set up my little studio to take some pictures! I love photography and spent a little time doing some self portraits this afternoon. I think I ended up with a couple of good ones, but the joy is in the set up. AJ got me some new lights for Christmas so it was fun to play with those.

After picture-taking time, I loaded the photos onto the computer, paid a couple of bills and then edited the pics. Now I'm posting my blog! Tonight Jimmy and I will be heading over to Central Christian Church for First Wednesday. :)

I hope everyone else is having a great day too! :)

1 comment:

CB said...

LOVe the pic. Totally, totally need pics of my girls in front of that red wall while it is still available. :)