Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog Post #3 (of 30)

My Favorite Photograph of My Best Friend

Caveat - This is not actually my FAVORITE photo - I'm not sure I have one. But my best friend is definitely Jimmy.

He is everything to me - he is the one person who knows the good, the bad and the ugly about me and loves me in spite of it!

I can tell him anything and he listens. He always tries to solve my problems (which is not always a good thing!).

He is the one friend where I feel I ALWAYS get as much back as I give.

He is an amazing man, and I am thankful to call him my best friend, my husband, my greatest love.


ShardsOfBlue said...

Awww! :)

CB said...

Awww....I love the pic of the 2 of you that you posted. :)